On this First New Moon of the New Year

Through Our BloodMysteries:
Receive your soul & planetary seeds for 2024
Receive your Sacred Plan & Structure
and Co-create with Life! 


Beloved, you are a Creatrix, a sacred weaver of the the New Earth that is emerging through each one of us... and together we can create miracles.

On this first new moon of this new year
, receive the soul seeds held within you -and our beloved Mother Planet- that are ready to be gestated and birthed through you. Seeds encoded with the new reality we are here to co-create with each other, with our beloved Earth and with the Mystery.

Also, with the help of Capricorn and the new myth of Grail Keeper & Grail Guardian as One, allow your divine masculine in to play! Receive the sacred plan and structure that will support the fruition of your seeds. Let's together anchor into our bodies the dream of the feminine and masculine within us lovingly dancing in co-creation.  

Please join me for this FREE online journey and Blood Mystery Ritual as we start 2024 in harmony with our wombs, the moon and the mystery of Life.

Consciously Receive your Unique Soul and Planetary Seeds!

We will meet on Zoom Thursday January 11th at 4pm EST and a replay will be available for those who cannot attend live.                                                                       
During our sacred time together we will:

Attune to the Frequency of the womb, the new moon and the new year
Explore our role as women in birthing new life, new realities and new states of consciousness onto the planet
Explore the new myth of Grail Keeper and Grail Guardian as One and how to co-create with Life, supported by the divine feminine and masculine within. 
Journey into your Sacred Womb and the Womb of the Earth to receive your: soul & planetary seeds for 2024 AND your sacred plan &  structure so they may thrive.
Empower you sacred work with a community Blood Mysteries Rite

Celebrate the opening of Our Blood Mysteries Temple gates and a new year of mythic adventures in Mother.

"Come beloved!
Sink into my rich darkness

Receive the seeds I have tenderly held for You 
For this  moment of your soul unfolding
For this time of planetary rebirthing

From the Womb's Unity
and the harmonious dance of
the divine Feminine & Masculine within:
Seed the New Dream into your Sacred Body!
Seed the New Weave into Gaia's Body of Life!

Surrender to the rapturous,
fully supported unfolding

of the unique fractal of Love that you are.
For you, for me, for WE"

Copyright 2020 — Catalina Rivera. All rights reserved.